Fees for Services
Vow Renewals
Baby Naming
The fee for your service will vary...
Where and when you choose to have your ceremony?
How long will it be?
Your choice of ceremony and additional options?
Base fee is $250.00
Includes one meeting, ceremony preparation and performing the ceremony.
Mileage is $0.55 per kilometer
Additional fees for ferry, water taxi or parking
Additional time $30 per hour over the base fee, and includes travel time outside of Powell River.
Statutory Holiday weekend bookings are subject to an additional $100 fee
Rev. Laura is pleased to provide a Ceremony Quote prior to booking.
Rev. Laura is happy to work with every couple and family
for their ceremony requirements,
regardless of their budget.
This is YOUR special day
just like your flowers or your dress,
celebrating marriage,
renewing your vows,
or honouring the addition to your family,
you don't want to compromise on the quality,
experience and heart of the ceremony itself.
Pre-Marriage Counselling
Fee is $200 for 1 session
Approximately 3 hours required
to create your unique "Marriage Path".